Precision Addiction

Planting Your Future

Founded in Madison, S.D. in 1963 by the Schultz family, Mustang Seeds was both born with a mission to provide quality small grain seed to area farmers. Throughout the past 55 years, they have witnessed the rise and fall of many friendly competitors in the seed business. Now, half a century later, Mustang Seeds is still family owned and continues to be a force in the seed industry. And we’re still proud to stand behind our products.

Though they got their start in small grains, over the years they have adapted their product line as farmers in our five-state region have moved strongly toward row crops. Now in their second generation of family ownership, they offer a full line of corn, soybeans, alfalfa, cover crops, grasses, and small grains. In other words, all your seed needs.

Mustang has over 200 dealers positioned throughout the trade territory of South Dakota, northwest Iowa, northeast Nebraska, western Minnesota, and North Dakota. The majority of Mustang dealers grew up in their territories and know how best to meet your seed needs.

All Mustang facilities offer on demand treated seed, which provides the most accurate seed treating available in the industry. Mustang Seeds offers the best seed traits and genetics to fit your acres and our sales staff are here to provide you with the most up to date knowledge to provide you with the products that work best in your area. The tools we have today give us the capability to deliver top yields in all genetic platforms.

Coyote Seed

In September of 2008, Mustang acquired Coyote Brand seeds. We’re proud to serve Coyote Seed customers—old and new—with top-quality alfalfa, small grain, and specialty seeds.

Mission Statement

Mustang Seeds is a reputable provider of agricultural products that continues to grow long lasting relationships. They bring innovation to the market place with dedicated employees that are committed to providing valuable personal service and quality products.

Click the button below for the entire 2020 Mustang Seed Product Guide